“Working in education industry, understanding the importance of education and its strong impacts on society and on the prosperity of a nation, and despite the fact that hundreds of millions of children in the world and in Vietnam who cannot go to school, I’ve always desired to build schools and offer free education for children of poor and miserable situations. During pursuing higher education in California, I could not stand viewing images of kid patients back in Vietnam who were struggling with fatal diseases just for one sole wish: Going to school. It was that urged me to go back to my homeland Vietnam to build up Viet Nam Hieu Hoc Foundation (i.e. Vietnamese people possessed of fondness to learn, which is also a tradition of the Vietnamese), which conveys the message of human sharing and love, providing spiritual strengths and physical facilities, giving financial supports to the poor studious students, encouraging them to retain their study pathways in the face of adversities and as the outcome, they are cherished in hopes of lives and nurtured in good education for the future. I believe that education not only plays an important role in knowledge education, but also contributes to form personality and morality of each seed of talent in the future. Our dream is to see all children enjoy good education at schools.”

Angel Tran
Philanthropist, Founder & President, Viet Nam Hieu Hoc Foundation
Chairman of Board of Directors, Viet Nam Hieu Hoc Group
Entrepreneur, Founder of World Talent Education, USA